
Nonsurgical Treatment for Scoliosis Cured My Sophia

My name is George from Australia, and I’m Sophia’s father, who has been found to be affected with scoliosis. Today I’d like to share my daughter’s story of a nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis. I hope somebody who has the same disease may benefit from it.
It was last December that we found our daughter had something wrong on her back. On Christmas vocation, my family went on walking after dinner. My wife asked me whether I noticed our daughter’s right shoulder was higher than the left. The truth was yes. We took her to our general practitioner (GP). He told me it was “scoliosis”----a new and strange word for me. Through X-ray, GP said it was “moderate scoliosis”.
Then we came to a specialist. But he told me, it seemed, in this period, except making some physical therapies, we can do nothing to help. However the truth is physical therapies showed little effect and the disease was progressing.
I collected much information of treatment for scoliosis, and I believe a nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis is the most appropriate for my daughter. At that time, I found Zhang Dehong Scoliosis Center, who was reputed as the best nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis. I knew little about the miraculous effect of Chinese medicine, but I believe it had no side effect. Therefore I contacted them, and asked them something about my daughter’s condition. Their professional answer made me relieved a lot.
In June, 2013, we came to Zhang Dehong Scoliosis Center in Beijing, China. The hospital picked us up in the airport and introduced me Beijing, which made me relaxed just like at home. In the hospital, Doctor Yin made a careful diagnosis for my daughter, and made a specific treatment program after discussion with other experts.
It’s beyond my expectation that the nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis of Zhang Dehong Scoliosis Center didn’t let me down. Only within 2 month, the curve of my daughter is recovered for 16℃ and the uneven shoulders can hardly be seen, which encouraged us to stick to this treatment for another 2 months to cure it.

Doctors from Zhang Dehong Scoliosis Center told us that early diagnosis and treatment is important for children, and it may achieve good effect. Nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis is more recommended for these mild and moderate patients with scoliosis. 
Contact us at stemcellprc@outlook.com for detailed information of the best conservative therapy for scoliosis. 



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