
Increased 5.3 cm Stature in 97 Days

Name: Xiang
Gender: male
Age: 16
Nationality: China
Maybe scoliosis is persistent and hard to cure, but we can create miracle with the best treatment for scoliosis.
Medical record
When Xiang enter into Zhang Dehong Scoliosis Center, he was diagnosed as idiopathic scoliosis, and his left shoulder was higher than the right, and left waist was higher than the right as well, so his body was shaped as a “C”. What was worse, his back muscle was not elastic. X-ray showed that the left sideway for T7—T1 1of thoracic vertebra was 22 degrees and right sideway for L12—L4 of lumbar vertebra is 30 degrees.
Through 3 month’ treatment by Zhang’s Combination Therapy, Xiang’s condition is improved a lot. Before he left Zhang Dehong Scoliosis Center, the symptom of uneven shoulders is improved apparently. The back of patient becomes more flat. X-ray shows the left sideway for T7—T1 1of thoracic vertebra become 15 degrees, decreasing 7 degrees and the right sideway for L12—L4 of lumbar vertebra becomes 8 degrees, decreasing 22 degrees sharply.
Characteristic traditional Chinese medicine nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis
Zhang’s Combination Therapy is the best treatment for scoliosis without surgery. This therapy stresses an overall regulation to human body. Through the stimulation on these points, such as kan shu, kidney shu, pi'shu, Yanglingquan, Tsusanli point and Fengchi, by exclusive manipulation, the patients can achieve inner and outside balance, which is good for their qi, blood and channel circulation and recovery for scoliosis. Besides, these patented equipments are significantly helpful to correct patients’ deformed spines.
They also applies diet supplement, maintaining traction, and traction for thoracic vertebra and lumbar vertebra as well as keeping healthy lifestyle, like laying flat, free of pillow and prohibition for sitting down.

Through 97 days’ treatment, Xiang’s stature is increased into 177.3 cm from before 172, increasing 5.3 cm tall. That’s miraculous change for him. Now he can live well with scoliosis and keep good lifestyle. He can’ help telling everyone that Zhang’s Combination Therapy is just the best treatment for scoliosis.
Find the cure for scoliosis by email stemcellprc@outlook.com



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